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* Planning a People Pedal Powered Event *

Ecology & entertainment. Two words you won’t see popping up in the same phrase to often. You would say one can’t throw a party without producing waste and consuming electricity but when looking around we see things are changing.

In terms of waste-producing there’s obvious and low-profile solutions, , thinking of biodegradable dishes, buying locally brewed beer.However the electricity consumption has a less on-the-spot solution, considering that not everyone has a decision in the electricity contract at the event location. Producing your own electricity can be an answer to this problem. This is where the energy module of Vélo M2 comes with areal solution.

Pedal power is the key. The electricity is provided by stationary cyclists who are voluntary participants of the event. It has been tested at events with sound installations of 500W, powered by 3 stationary bikes. The energy module is a minimal intrusive, using only 1m2 of space and is transported on a cargo bike.

The People Pedal Power Party concepts involves providing electricity forsound and lighting systems by the energy module and the necessary number of bikes. Announcing you r party as a PPP gives a positive message of being emissionfree and collaborative, with the Vélo M2 team as with the participants.

P — the power

Any installation can be powered, the energy module converts the generated energy to a standard plug output (220V AC mains). Knowing that one cyclist can generate about 80W electric power continuously, you can estimate the number of bicycle generation stands necessary. Lighting is generally the biggest consumer at events. For sound installations you should consider only half of the indicated power.


At the JNM Weekend, consuming energy while producing other energy

P — the pedal

The cyclist who are powering the party can be stationed anywhere near the energy module. When the weather is cold or wet, it’s recommended to prepare a place inside (and saving on heating power). When the weather allows it, the pedals can be installed outside, but staying connected to the event.

Opening of Tournevie, pedaling inside to produce the music outside!

P — the people

The idea that one can contribute to the party by providing power, creates a collaborative atmosphere and all participants feel involved at the event. Pedaling can be seen as a perfect excuse to take some time off from the social overflow. Experience shows us that keeping up the power doesn’t need encouragement, people are happy to replace a contributor when asked for.

At CycleHacks, one person = one 3D printer

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