Vélo M2 discovery day³ (26 March)
An introduction day to everything we are doing, you will learn how to ride a cargo bike, help build new modules and even participate in a movie projection with PPP (people pedal powered)
Vélo M2 discovery day² (26 February)
An introduction day to everything we are doing, you will learn how to ride a cargo bike, help build new modules and even participate in a movie projection with PPP (people pedal powered)
Boombox construction start with iMal and Maison Maritime (16 February)
BePlanet Presentation (14 February)
Vélo M2 discovery day (24 Januari)
An introduction day to everything we are doing, you will learn how to ride a cargo bike, help build new modules and even participate in a movie projection with PPP (people pedal powered)
NY eVélo * people pedal power party * (31 December)
In the cold New Years eve we installed the sound system with pedal generation in a large room in Brussels. At the same time providing electricity and heat for the party.
First PPP party aka Zero Emission Feestje - We vieren Milena's Verjaardag @Tournevie (17 December)
Tournevie is inviting us to power their Massive Tool Party, transforming it into a People Pedal Powered event. The party goers are powering the 500W sono installation with joy.
Actions at European Parlement and ING for devestment Fossil Fuel (13-14 December)
We are giving Greenpeace Brussels access to our cinema module to project different videos at two summits outside.
Pecha Kucha Brussels (8 December 2016)
Version 2.0 of our Pecha Kucha talk in Charleroi, this time in our hometown
Canal d'Accroche Presentation (5 November 2016)
We presented our website that followed the experimental project Canal d'Accroche for the organizations around the canal zone
GhostWalks (28 October 2016)
It is almost Halloween, so Cultureghem is creating a unique performance throughout parts of the city around forgotten places for kids and their families. We will bring you a selection of the most scary scenes from old forgotten movies at the starting point of the Ghost walk.
CoderDojo 1082 XL (22 October 2016)
For the Digital Week we are cohosting a nice 3D workshop for kids between 7 and 14 in Sint-Agatha Berghem with the local CoderDojo. they will be challenged to learn about 3D design and printing in a bit more than one hour. Do you accept the challenge?
Design Innovation fête ses 20 ans (20 October)
We will be giving a pecha kucha presentation about our transition design concept in Charleroi. We will later upload the full presentation on our website. Tickets are available through the Facebook event
Social Inclusion summit (29 September 2016)
With one of our side projects called Canal d'Accroche we had the chance to present our project to 30 organizations from Molenbeek that are working around social inclusion on different fields. We presented them Vélo M2 as a tool they could use to get more spontaneous interactions;
JNM Appelpluk weekend (24 September 2016)
When the apples are ready, they need to be picked. And this year the youth and nature organization JNM wanted something special for their anual apple picking day so they invited us to showcase the first all bike powered mobile cinema session. We had a blast!
Brussels Carfree Day (18 September 2016)
We were invited by Beursschouwburg to give a mobile workshop around 3D printed bke accessoires, so we will be standing just outside Beurscafé to welcome you all and give you a nice present!
Opening IceBike (July 2016)
Cyclo organized a nice gathering of all the Brussel Cargo Bike entrepreneurs, off course we were there to, even if the weather wasn't at our side we hade lots of fun
Cyclehacks BXL (June 2016)
A weekend for bike hackers, that is how is sold cyclehacks, we took part to one of the 36 worldwide events and tried to finish our coffee module, but using a japanese syphon coffee machine is not so easy as thought
Festival de La Terre (June 2016)
In June we are invited to showcase all our Modules at the great looking festival de la terre in Switzeland.
Molenbike (June 2016)
We are always motivated to help events that promote biking in Brussels. So you will find us at Molenbike in the beginning of June with our Fablab Module
Opening KetMet (May 2016)
When the biggest covered play-field of Brussels is opened, we couldn’t be more excited and showcased our 3D printing workshop at Cultureghem!
COP 21 (Dec 2015)
Following our five weeks of incubator we got the chance to be exposed at Atelier 104 in Paris during the COP21 happening
Breda – Brussels (Sept 2015)
In September, one week after finishing the Proof Of Concept we showcased our first modules in Brussels at Place de La Bourse and went all the way to Breda for the Designer Festival.
POC21 (Aug – Sept 2015)
This is the moment where everything got serious, we had to reinvent everything we thought was good, but ended up learning a lot. POC21 was a magnificent experience!
Open Air Cinema
Ever wanted to organize a movie screening in the middle of the woods or on a public place with your neighbors. Now it is easily possible with the Open Air Cinema, a module that can project any movie anywhere in Brussels (you only need a white wall or two hooks to attach the blanket. We bring hundreds of old movies that fall in the creative common but can also show lesser known jewels or top-notch documentaries.
It is possible anywhere because we are energy independent. No external electricity needed.
Number of participants: max 40
Time: 3h
Specificities: Mobile cinema with possibility to choose the movie or let us choose.
Price: 250 euro (+ 70 euro if chosen movie is not creative commons to cover the artist rights)
Range: 10 km around Brussels
You can book us via mail.
Canal d’Accroche
The neighborhood around the canal in Molenbeek is always been a place of change and transition. People have it difficult to acquire the public space. With Canal d’Accroche, a project funded by the city we are developing mobile tools by using Vélo M2 to help those people reuse the public space around them. From gardening workshops, building sessions and open air screenings we will experiment with the locals how to appropriate public space. More info can be found here: http://captainlysander.wixsite.com/canalaccroche.
Building Sessions
We are always searching new possibilities with our multi modular system, but also with the general Open Source and cooperative mind set. Since June 2016 we are regulatory having building sessions for new modules and systems. Instead of doing it all ourselves we like to have multiple teams working together on it, creating and using what already exist to build new modules. We use therefor the community tool WeVolver to work on different modules. In June, July and August of 2016 we will be building a lot of new modules. So if you are living around Brussels and want to join the network, give us a sign!
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